The body’s main source of energy is glucose, sometimes known as blood sugar. It comes from the food we consume. The hormone insulin aids in the body’s cells’ conversion of glucose to energy. Diabetes develops when the body cannot use the insulin it currently produces or produces insufficient amounts. As a result, blood sugar levels exceed what is considered normal.
Numerous major health issues are caused by long-term, persistently elevated blood sugar levels. The following list outlines how diabetes affects various bodily organs:
Keeping your feet healthy requires limiting nerve injury as much as you can. Neuropathy, or nerve damage, can cause tingling or numbness in your feet. So, if a portion of your foot is numb, you could go all day without realizing you have a rock in your shoe.
The rock may cause tissue injury, which may result in infection, and so forth. Moreover, diabetes also causes gangrene and septic, which could not be resolved without medicines sourced from aseptic contract manufacturer by doctors. Diabetes also causes the blood arteries in your feet to stiffen or narrow, which impairs circulation.
The best method to prevent foot issues is to take care of your feet and have them examined by a doctor on a regular basis.
Long-term kidney impairment from diabetes might make it more difficult for you to eliminate extra fluid and waste from your body. High blood pressure and blood sugar levels are to blame for this. It is also known as kidney disease or diabetic nephropathy.
If you have diabetes, you already know that you run the risk of getting certain eye conditions, particularly diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. However, there is also a danger of glaucoma and cataracts.
The National Eye Institute states that diabetic retinopathy is caused by ‘chronically high blood sugar from diabetes, which is related to damage to the small blood vessels in the retina.’
Additionally, it’s critical to maintain a healthy blood sugar level and receive a thorough eye checkup annually since diabetic retinopathy can progress to diabetic macular edema.
Vascular System
Blood flow is impeded by the narrowing and loss of flexibility of blood vessels brought on by high blood sugar levels. Due to the decreased blood and oxygen delivery, there is an increased risk of high blood pressure and injury to both large and tiny blood vessels.
Other Effects
There are other significant consequences of diabetes on the body, in addition to those on the kidneys, peripheral nerves, heart, brain, eyes, and eyes. For example,
Diabetes may weaken your immune system, making it more difficult to fight off infections and easier for them to spread.
Your digestive process could get sluggish. This may result in gastroparesis, a disorder marked by sluggish digestion accompanied by gas, bloating, and nausea.
Blood pressure regulation nerves can be damaged by nerve injury, which can lead to unpredictable changes in blood pressure.
You may experience fatigue and energy drain as a result of diabetes.
Final Reflections
Even though this is a long list of diseases, the good news is that most of them may be avoided if you keep your diabetes under control. Living with diabetes can be greatly improved by maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, and taking the recommended medications as directed by your doctor.